Mastery In The Art of Living

What does it mean to live masterfully?

How can we move toward living more masterfully in our lives?

"A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, the mind and their body, their education and their recreation. The hardly know which is which. They simply pursue their vision of excellence in whatever they are doing and leave it to others to determine whether they are working or playing. To themselves, they always appear to be doing both." ~ Francois Rene Chateubriand

What does it look like to live masterfully?
- Being Present
- Being creative
- Being fully expressed - physically & emotionally
- Having/sharing passion and purpose

Consider a more Heart centered…SELF centered perspective on mastery in the art of living. Beyond money or material gain.

How do you fully express yourself?

How can you live more masterfully?

How do you creatively express yourself and your experience? How close are you to that practice right now?

What is one area of your life that you'd like to be more Present to?…one person?